Tuesday, March 4, 2008
We were all sitting on the couch, waiting for the dinner to be finished. It was the parent’s night out and the nine cousins had finally convinced them that everything would be fine. After about fifteen minutes of them asking us questions like “where are the emergency phone numbers?” and other things like that, they had left. Now we were all alone and Mike was making us lasagna. BEEP! BEEP! The fire alarm went off and a large cloud of smoke flew up into the air as Steve opened the door to the oven. The lasagna was charred to blackness and we no longer had any dinner. We ended up having Pizza delivered to the room. we had a lot of fun sitting on the beds and watching movies, just hanging around. The parents didn't get home until one o'clock and we were all "asleep" (We really pulled an all-nighter)
Friday, February 22, 2008
sam's hair cut
When I cut my own hair it was fun at first. Soon my hair was long in some spots and bald in others. The worts part was when my mom wanted to fix my horrible job. I was scrreaming soon my hair almost looked better untill I moved an my mom cut me behind my ear. After that horrible 5 minutes I looked in the mirror and screamed I was on the floor screaming begging not to go to school but I had to. Now I will not let my mom cut my hair and I will nver cut my own hair.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
About 2 years ago my mom, grandma and I too a trip to Florida. The only problem was we had to drive. We had to drive because my grandmas’ car was at our house and we had to bring it back to her house. During the trip we experience many things. One of the most forgetful thing that happened was staying in the worst hotel I ever. But when we got into Florida we went to Orlando and we stayed at a hotel with a water park. This was one of the best trips I had with a relative.
My last trip was to San Diego. It was one of my best trips yet. We discovered many cites there. This trip was for my brother’s golf tournament. After his practice round we went to an old fashion movie theater. The movies there sucked, so we ended up at a stranded town. We went to a Chinese restaurant and almost walk out after catching site of the menu. The next day we went go-cart riding, it was amazingly fun. I wish that I could bring that place to Wisconsin, the only negative thing is that It was expensive. The closest I came to fist was 3rd place, it hurt so much when you crash because the cart went 50 miles per hour and we crashed into plastic boards. My dad, derrick and I went on this trip with the Pattscots. We stayed for a whole week and it was an wild trip. Everyday we did something new, and creative. The only thing I regret was not climbing the mountains there!
Sam Fredman
Loudly, the plane took off on its flight to Florida. It would be a two hour flight. It was a long flight, yet it was good flight. When we landed, we jumped in the air. We met my grandparents at the security gate. After we met, we went out to eat. We went to Uno’s. After lunch, we started the drive to the condo. Quietly, we approached the condo and went to the beach. After the beach, we finally went to sleep for the night. Although we were only in Florida for three days it was very fun.
Loudly, the plane took off on its flight to Florida. It would be a two hour flight. It was a long flight, yet it was good flight. When we landed, we jumped in the air. We met my grandparents at the security gate. After we met, we went out to eat. We went to Uno’s. After lunch, we started the drive to the condo. Quietly, we approached the condo and went to the beach. After the beach, we finally went to sleep for the night. Although we were only in Florida for three days it was very fun.

In august of 2004, my family and I took a trip to North Carolina. Getting there took awhile but was fun anyway. We flew into Raleigh and drove the rest of the way to the OBX. The OBX are the outer banks, a long narrow strip of land just off the coast. We stayed in a huge beach house with all of my mom’s close family, which include her parents, our aunt and cousins. We went to Kitty Hawk, where the Wright brothers had the first flight. We went to Blackbeard’s cove, and we went swimming. The waves were the biggest waves I have ever swum in. I was very sad when we had to come back home, but it was one of the best rips of my life.
The last time I went on a trip was with my dad and my whole hockey team. We went to the world’s biggest hockey tournament, The Connecticut Polar Bear Tournament. We left Christmas morning after I opened all of my presents. The whole plane ride I was thinking about if we would win and how big the trophy would be. Right when we landed, on the big flat screen T.V there was a list of all the teams participating in the tournament. That didn’t do very well with all the nerves in my tummy. And it was on ESPN! Riding home from the first game celebrating out first win the very long tournament, we started to discuss the options of our 3 day break. We went to Boston, New York City, and New Hampshire. After that mini- adventure we had to put all the fun behind us and get out head in the game. We won out next game by a land slide. I had butterflies in my tummy again, it was the Championship game. When they announced the starters I felt like I was going to faint. Those were the three longest periods of my entire life. We won the game 1-0 vs. Asabet Valley. That was probly the hardest game I have ever played.
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