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Ridiculously big waves stood waited for me, mocking me. Before I ran into the water I pondered weather it was smart to just go stand under a humongous wave. Because I was young it didn’t take me long to ponder I just ran in. The first wave was on its way, but I stood my ground against the all mighty liquid. Twirling me around, throwing me against the sand, gasping for air. After it was over I realized that the wave was not found of me in fact it just liked to hurt me. Once I had this epiphany it was time to go to the FUN ZON!!! At this "fun zone" there was ice cream, games and most of all in the middle for seven dollars there was this special bouncy trampoline. On this trampoline the instructor locked me into this harness and attached ropes on to me. The harness kept me from dieing and the ropes flung me in the air. I got twenty feet in the air about thirty times. After we got back from the fun zone we started to relax. We started watching Americas national eating contest. While the final two men were eating one of them through up. The technical terms for this in the national eating competition is "Spray Zone." All the people in the front row were covered in chewed up half digested hot dogs. It was an amazing day!
Fun story to read. Don't forget about punctuation. Remember to use commas when writing complex sentences. Also, feel to use simple sentences to create pace in writing.
Mrs. Kayzar
It says
"Once I had this epiphany it was time to go to the FUN ZON!!! Do you mean Fun Zone?
That was by Andrew W
Great Job Editing the page, LIke the big pic @ the top!!
tanner loved the Blog especially the whos the coolest kid thing. the story waz great. put more art on the home page!!!!
~Nicole Fortune~
Good job tanner! Where did you go. I was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really confused!! This was a well done story and i would give this a B+-. This is a new grade that I made up for you. I like your story but next time have a better veriaty of sentences. Put more emotion in your story. Next time i hope to read a more well thought out story. Overall this was a good story and i think you can do much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much better!!!!
You truly are captain awsome!! Nice story.
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