Friday, February 15, 2008


The Worst Haircut

Excitedly walking into ‘Kenneth’s Hair Salon’ I filled my mom in on exactly how I wanted my hair cut. Mom was very skeptical about it, she didn’t really trust me. But it was my birthday, so I got to decide how I wanted my hair cut. As I sat down in the big chair, I told the woman exactly how I wanted my hair done. Apparently, I shouldn’t have used the word ‘short’ to describe how I wanted my hair. I watched helplessly as 10 inches of my light brown hair fell to the ground. When the lady turned me around in the chair, I surveyed the damage carefully. She had gotten the layers right, but my hair barely reached my chin. After politely saying ‘thank you’, I walked crestfallen out to my mother. Her smile faltered for only a second, for she had seen something in my hair that I hadn’t. Because my hair was so short, we would have fun discovering how to do it, she explained later. We took a long week discovering how to do my hair then decided to try it out on my family. I wasn’t very confident about my hair, nor did I want to show my whole family it. Because she understood how nervous I was, my gracious aunt decided to help me out. She made my hair look really cute and my hair looked somewhat okay that summer. By the time school started again my hair had put on enough length to hide a tiny ponytail. Thank Goodness! I will never cut my hair that short again.


Liz said...

I liked your story! You're a really good writer. I had really short hair when I was about 5, but it's been longer ever since.

Liz said...

Great Job! I love your story! Your a awesome writer!

~Laurel :)

Liz said...

Wow that sounds like fun i would have liked it. but thats just me. Really good job!!


Liz said...

That most have been had to see. I would totally yell at them.


Liz said...

Great Job! I really liked your story. How old were you when it happened?

Liz said...

that's some really good vocabulary ya got there! great story.

Liz said...

That happened 2 me 2! MY hair was about that length in 3r grade wen the lady cut my hair bad.

Liz said...

i love your STORY!

Liz said...

great story!

Liz said...

Amanda, good story? What did you say to th lady? One time I got a bad haircut, but then a saw the lady next to me having someone cut thier hair fro the superbowl- in the shape of a football!!! - GabbyL**

Liz said...

I don't like to have short hair and I don't get to 'do' anything with my hair.

Liz said...

Great story Amanda! i Hate getting my hair cut.


Liz said...


Good job! I have had a short haircut, and it does take awhile to figure out what to do.

Remember to use a comma after an adverb start.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

OMG I know how it feels!

Liz said...

OMG I know how it feels!

Liz said...

Once I got my hair cut the day before picture day. I cut it my-self. Boy did I look silly.
-Angela Foley