Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Steve Hates haircuts

Nervously, I walked into the haircut place. I have always hated my hair being short. I would never want to get my head shaved, or a buzz cut. Honestly, you have no idea how bad I would look with a shaved head. I’ve always wanted to grow out my hair, but my parents disagree. I especially hate the people who cut my hair. They always cut my hair too short. When my parents say a little shorter, they go all out on me. She didn’t care; as long as she gets paid, I guess. After my hair is cut, I don’t like going to school the next day. I always feel terrible, and everyone has to mention it to me. I feel really ugly after getting a haircut. So basically, I HATE HAIRCUTS!


Liz said...

you would look horrible with a shaved head. nice writing i like a adverb start! nice!!

(big guy)

GAbe merkow

Liz said...

nice sentence structure, you would look terrible with a shaved head.

Liz said...

Why does that bug you so much.

Liz said...


Interesting. Has getting a haircut improved as you have gotten older?

Writing wise, you did a good job. As usual you can always add in detail and length.
Mrs. Kayzar