Friday, February 15, 2008


The day started out normal. I went to daycare the same way, saw all the same people and did all the same things. That all changed during reading hour. The teacher was reading a story to our class when my friend Amanda poked me and said, “Say you have to go to the bathroom and meet me behind the stairs. Since the daycare just added a loft to the room we know had 3 levels and Amanda wanted me to meet me on the ground floor. Amanda went first. She asked the teacher if she could go to the bathroom and he said yes. Then I followed after her. Down on the ground floor she pulled out some scissors. She was cutting her hair! Then she pulled another scissors out for me. Both of us were cutting our hair not caring how much we cut off or what we looked like. Once the rest of the class was down reading we stopped and hid our hair in our cubbies. No one noticed our new looks much but when I got home my dad sure could tell the difference. I looked at myself and saw the difference. I had cut a huge chunk out of me head. It also was much shorter. My mom wasn’t happy either. She was yelling at my dad about the chunk I cut out. The next day I got a haircut by a pro. My hair used to go down my back and now it was up to my ears. When I went to daycare on Monday Amanda also had her haircut as well. Hers was even shorter than mine! I never cut my own hair again.


Liz said...

I liked your story!
Up to your ears?! That would stink to have your hair that short!

Liz said...

It's too long and boring

Liz said...

i cant imagine you with such short hair! was ur hair all crazy back then too???

Liz said...

WOW! I used to cutt my hair2

Liz said...

lol. u r crazy kayla.

Liz said...

Ha* I would probobly do that too. GabbyL**
PS- Probobly would still do it today!! lol

Liz said...

i can just see you with your hair up to your ears!haha i loved ur story kayla!

Liz said...


Looking at the posts, you are not the only person to have cut your hair.

In your writing, you started out using commas correctly and then it dropped off. Take a look and see where they should go.

Mrs. Kayzar