Friday, February 15, 2008


One day when I was four, I decided that I would cut my hair by myself. I had always had long hair, and I wanted to see what it would be like to have short hair for once. The first thing I had to do was get the scissors from the kitchen to my bathroom upstairs. It was hard for me to take the scissors from the kitchen to my bathroom because my mom was making dinner. Quickly, I grab the scissors and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I made it and my mom didn’t know a thing. Now it was time to give myself a little hair cut of my own. I started at my bangs. I never really liked them so I decided I would trim them up a little bit, so they weren’t in my eyes. Then I went for the front of my hair. I wanted short hair, so I cut my hair in the front and not the back. I liked how it covered my neck, but not my shoulders. The next thing I knew half of the garbage can was full of my hair. Suddenly, I heard my mom come up the stairs calling my name. It was time for dinner. I had to hide the hair in the garbage, so I put toilet paper rolls on top of my cut off hair. My mom came into the bathroom and I dashed out, but before I could she stopped me and screamed. She couldn’t believe I cut my own hair! She ran me down the stairs and showed my dad what I had done. He said that since I was only 4, that my punishment would be that I would be grounded for a week, and I would have to clean my room and my brothers room for 3 days. The next day, my mom took me to get a real haircut and she made me promise that I would NEVER cut my own hair again.


Liz said...
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Liz said...

That's funny! I did something like that too, only I was 6.


Liz said...

Your story is really good!
That's really funny!

Liz said...

Great job! I loved it.


Liz said...

That stroy is way too long!!

Liz said...

funny. must've been quite an experience. i like ur story a lot

Liz said...

I like ur story! I always used to cut my hair but not that drasticly!


Liz said...

haha! thats so funny u tried to cut ur own hair and hide it!! wow..sounds like a funny story!:)
<3 maggie

Liz said...

lol. that was funny. how short did u cut it?

Liz said...

haha! I loved your story Marissa. Liz and me did the same thing to our hair once.....or twice.


Liz said...

Great sentences. I like how you started your paper.

~Megan Bizub

Liz said...

HAHA great story CHOCOLATE!! :)
I can see you doing that. lol


Liz said...


You are not the only person to cut your hair.

When writing don't forget about paragraphs.

Also look at punctuation of compound sentences. Some are missing commas.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

FUNNY STORY!!! I know a ton of ppl who have cut there hair, and arent very good at it! lol good story!!


Liz said...

I loved your story! I did the same thing to my hair when I was really little. My mom got so mad at me and I had to go get a better haircut the next day. Your stroy was perfect, just watch out for commas.

Liz said...

i am going to call u into my office and give you some suggar baby and do u want to give me some back i read your profile u look sexy and i want that to be all mine so give me a call to the bar and i will strip for u ohohohohohohohoho yea i can feel it all ready