Friday, February 15, 2008


Last year, my family and I took a trip over spring break to Mexico! Here’s how the story of my trip to Mexico went. It was the first day in Mexico, my family and I arrived at the hotel, amazed at all of the beautiful colors that Mexico had. “I am so excited to speak Spanish!” We walked down to the beach and looked at the ocean and its clear blue waves. After we had walked down to the beach, my family and I finally got to go swimming and lots of other things. Finally, I was in the salty, blue ocean, until I got swept away from a huge wave! After I was tired swimming in the ocean, a guy in a brown and white jacket came up to us on the beach and asked us if we wanted to buy dome jewelry. My mom bought a couple of bracelets for gifts if she ever needed them. Later, I ran back into the ocean, and there was the guy who sold us the silver bracelets! Awhile later, the ambulance had come with a stretcher and a big, black bag. A couple of minutes later, I went down to the beach again, and there was the bracelet guy, on the beach, lying down. It turns out that the guy who sold silver to us, had a massive heart attack in the ocean and died instantly. It was really scary to watch. I loved my trip to Mexico, even though a terrible thing happened there.


Liz said...

That is cool! I would love to go to Mexico! Great Job "Magoo" lol.


Liz said...
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Liz said...

Wow maggie taht is intence but mexico is really fun!!!


Liz said...

That's scary when he had a heart attack! Was he OK? It does sound like a really fun trip though. Great job!


Liz said...

i remember when you told me the story about that!
thats soo sad that that guy died!
i'm glad you still had a fun time in mexico!


Liz said...

That sounds scary he had a heart attack? Was he ok?!i wish i could go to Mexico!

Liz said...

maggie, that sounds real scary that the poor bracelet guy had died. Atleast you still had a great time.


Liz said...

maggie, that sounds real scary that the poor bracelet guy had died. Atleast you still had a great time.


Liz said...

WOW! I bet u wont 4get that trip!


Liz said...

i love this story! its so funny

Liz said...

maggie, that waz a really good story. poor guy. atleast u had a great time in mexico. i think.

Liz said...

Oh my "Goodness"!! I would have been so sad. Did this all happen in the same day? Well, anyway, hope you had a fun time in mexico.

Liz said...


Liz said...

magggiieee.....thats sad...but kinda cool hahahah.
yours is so good!!!
luv you!!


Liz said...

thats disturbing.

Liz said...

That sounds scary! omg was the guy ok? Great job writtintg the story though!


Marissa and Megan said...

OMG!!! That sounds really scary. i feel really bad for the guy. :( i hope you had a good time there though!

Liz said...

What a trip!

Don't forget to show vs. tell in your writing. Make the reader feel like they are there.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

i member that u caled me right after that trip and told me what happend tp that guy its pretty freakky.
anywayzz AWESOME JOB!!


Liz said...

Are you gay? Cuz i am! Do u want to have sex w/ me. Call me sexy ass!