Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mackenzie's Horrible Haircut

Sadly, I can still remember that awful day when I got a horrible haircut at the Hair Benders Hair Salon. It had been a steamy summer day, so my family and I were staying in our old summer cabin on Okauchee Lake. That day, my hair severely needed a trim, so my mom took me into a new haircutting place called Hair Benders. I walked in nervously and I sat down in a large salon chair, while my hair was cut by an inexperienced sixteen-year-old. The teenager didn't seem to have any idea what she was doing.Over and over again, My mom and I reminded the teenaged haircutter only to cut two centimeters off my hair and only a couple millimeters off my bangs, but evidently, she ignored all of our reminders. By the end of the haircut, I had lost five centimeters of hair instead of the requested two, and I had also lost four centimeters of bangs instead of the couple of millimeters which I had asked for. If that wasn't dreadful enough, my bangs were also noticably crooked, sothe whole look of my hair looked ghastly. I was also very disappointed about loosing so much hair, for it takes so long to grow. My hair ended up taking many months to grow back and my bangs had to be cut straight. That was not a very good experience for me or my hair.


Liz said...

Great Story!! You will probobly get an A+. I'm sorry that happened to you... -GabbyL**

Liz said...

I would hate to have my hair cut too short... that would really stink! You're a really good writer!


Liz said...

I am very sorry that you didn't like your hair cut. I once got my hair cut and it was when I was only two. I got it cut by me!

Liz said...


I think at some point we have all had crooked bangs.

Look at use of commas. Most of the sentences are correct except the one that starts When..., while. look at comma use.

Also try not to end sentences with a preposition.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Great job! You used a lot of detail. My mom cut my hair once, she was pretty good, but it was way to short. You overused your commas, though. Great job overall!

Liz said...
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