Friday, February 15, 2008


Our family trip was planned; we were going to Winter Park Ski Resort in Colorado until my sister’s knee had to have surgery. My dad and me went by ourselves to the airport and got on the plane with my cousins and 27 of their friends. We got to the airport one hour late and when we got on the plane everyone was surprised we showed up. In the airport in Colorado they were filming a skit on the Winter X games and we were all able to be in it. We then embarked on our 3 hour drive to the lodge in Winter Park. The lodge was huge with almost 10 bedrooms for all 27 people. Each of the ten bedrooms had a plasma TV with a built in DVD player and an X-Box 360. We could get to the mountain from a back path from our lodge. Winter Park was one of the tallest mountains I’ve ever seen. We stuck to the blues and black diamond runs when we were there. We tried to avoid the double black and expert runs. There was a lift called the Super Gauge Express which took you to Parsenns Bowl the tallest point of Winter Park. It was so high up it didn’t have trees, and when it got to windy and the snow started to swirl it closed. The view was amazing seeing the Rocky Mountains all around. The trip was the most fun ever!


Liz said...

i like ur story its cool

Liz said...

WOW. lol. i like it. 27 people?

Liz said...

That sounds kewl


Liz said...

k. r u sure that there were 27 people???

Liz said...

Wow. Sound like a ton of fun! Whay did your sister have to get surgery?

Liz said...

ya right dude 27! no idk! nice story tho i like it. very intersting!

(big guy)

Gabe merkow

Liz said...

cool story, great sentence structure

Liz said...

dude.....27 people is a lot of people


Fredo said...

cool story jared
where in colorado was it

Sterz said...

Good story really interesting well done Jare-Bare

Liz said...


When using a pronoun as a subject it should have been I.

Also comma use in complex sentences. Look at punctuation.
Mrs. Kayzar