Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Meghan Woodson

Trip to Mexico

Excitedly, my parents surprised us with a trip to Mexico. Except a problem occurred that night, I dropped a mini cell phone into my ear. My mom drove me to the emergency room, and we had an interesting talk about my ear. Slowly the doctors took tweezers and tried pulling out the mini cell phone, but since I moved they tore a hole in my ear drum. The next day we woke up around four in the morning to leave for Mexico. After we got on the plane, I had to take medicine for my ear. I sat with my sister and mom, so my sister and I mostly watched movies on my portable DVD player and had snacks. We got to Mexico and it was beautiful! Sadly I only went swimming once since if I was by water I had to wear ear plugs which I didn’t want to do. Quickly my sister and I were on the rock climbing wall, we love rock climbing and that wall was actually pretty hard. Even though I had a bad ear I had a ton of fun with my family!


Liz said...

Great job. i like your sentence structer and word chose

Liz said...


How did yo drop a mini cell phone in your ear?

Overall, nice job but don't forget to use commas when starting a sentence with an adverb.

ex. Slowly, I left school.
Otherwise, good job.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Good job Megan, but why did you have a mini cell phone?

- Lauren

Liz said...

Haha! Lol! Nice story. How did you drop a mini cell phone in your ear?


Liz said...

Ha Ha you told me that story before! Mexico is really fun though. Good job on the paper!!!


Liz said...

Good story. What the heck is a miny cell phone? And how did it get in your ear???

~Laurel LOL :)

Liz said...

ha ha! Good story. Great word choice.

~Megan Bizub

Liz said...

Story ok

Liz said...


Liz said...

cool story. but how did u ever manage to get a mini cell phone in ur ear?? jw.
