Thursday, February 21, 2008

The bad, but not horrible haircut

It was the summer of 2006, when baseball season was about to start. The days were long and hot. My hair was way too long, hot and messy. My hair was so long that my baseball hat was too tight. I knew that I needed to get a haircut. I wanted it to be a #2 buzz cut. I always got a #2 and I knew I liked a #2. That’s what I told the hair dresser, a #2 buzz cut. She agreed. I didn’t pay attention to my haircut. I started daydreaming with the sound of buzzing in my ears. Soon my haircut was done. I looked in the mirror in horror. My hair was gone. I only had a millimeter of hair left. I asked the hair dresser what happened. She said that she gave me a #1 buzz like I had asked. I argued that I said #2. I always got a #2. When I went back to my family who was waiting for me, they all laughed. My dad, who is bald, said now I look like him. It was the worst haircut of my life, or so I thought. For the next 4 weeks my head never got that sweaty and I could put on my baseball helmet much easier.

1 comment:

Liz said...

No Name???

So really the haircut wasn't too bad.

I liked how you used short, simple sentences to make the writing flow quickly. Could you have start any with an adverb or could you have included a compound or complex sentence.

Take a look.
Mrs. Kayzar