Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Carly Gnas

A Trip to California

During the summer of 2004, my family and I went to California to visit my Dad’s uncle and aunt, see Yosemite, and explore San Francisco. The first place we visited was my great uncle and aunt’s house. When my family and I arrived at their house, it was a perfectly clear, warm, sunny day. Their house was in Napa Valley, in a pleasant forested vineyard. There was a small deserted lake nearby surrounded by rows and rows of vines. My great uncle Rich Fohr seemed very friendly and kind. My dad’s aunt smiled at my brothers and me. As we walked into the house, the first thing we noticed was a huge window with a fantastic view of mountains scattered with trees. Before my family and I arrived, we had plans to have lunch with my Dad’s aunt and uncle. We ate at a fantastic café only ten minutes away from the vineyard. After lunch, my great uncle took my family and me on a tour to the building where the wine is made, and on the second and third level was an Art gallery. As boring as it may seem, the tour was actually interesting. The art was mostly sculptures and paintings that would play tricks on your eyes and would stand out compared to a regular art gallery. Lastly, my dad, my brothers Aaron and Zack, my great uncle, my great uncle’s dog, and I went to the lake. Going to the lake was the best part of that day. The dog would swim after a tennis ball when thrown into the water while Aaron, Zack and I would be standing knee-high in the cold water waiting for her to come back. The trip to California was one of my favorite trips that I can remember. Yosemite and San Francisco were fun too, but I liked this part of the trip best because I had never been to a vineyard before, or met my great uncle and Aunt.


Liz said...

hey carly, loved the story. my family and i also went to california to visit the family. it was hot but it was a lot better then the freezing cold in wisconsin!!!!!

~Nicole Fortune~

Liz said...

I loved your story!
Your story was very clear and easy to read. You sounded like you had a great trip to Californa.
Great job!


Liz said...

That sounds fun! I've never been to a vineyard before.


Marissa and Megan said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!! i have always wanted to go to California but never have. Great story!!!!

Liz said...

I liked your story. You must have had a great time.
- Lauren

Liz said...

Sounds like fun! I've only been to California once but I was at the airport the whole time. :( Nice Story!


Liz said...


Sounds like a nice trip. Now when you write add voice to make it interesting to your reader.
Show vs. tell a story.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

ur story was really good & it seems like u had a great time on ur trip. something that u left out was the comma after "my great uncle, Rich Fohr,..." otherwise ur story was great.
