Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Family Road Trip (Andrew O.)

We came off the stuffy airplane and we were headed for Durango, Colorado to see our friends. First, we went to the car rental area. As we entered, we ran into a perky employee directing us to the next available agent. My Mom provided the confirmation number and the agent indicated that they were out of SUVs, so we would have to settle for a mini van. We crammed all our stuff into the van leaving just enough space for the four of us. Finally, we were packed up and ready for our seven-hour adventure to Durango. It didn’t take long and I was searching for something to do. Unfortunately, the DVD Player and our games were packed in a bag that was out of reach. My little brother was driving me crazy and my parents were listening to country music. We still had five hours to go. I looked out the window and took in the awesome scenery. As we got higher and higher in the mountains, my ears began to pop and that bugged me. Then, my little brother had to go to the bathroom and I knew this would give me a chance to get my i-Pod and the DVD player. As we were looking for the next exit, a road worker directed us over and informed us that we would be waiting for approximately 45 minutes, because they were working on the mountain road. I wasn’t happy about the delay. I got out of the van, stretched and got my things. Once we were on our way again, the rest of the trip was entertaining. My brother and I watched a good movie and then I listened to my i-Pod. Finally, after the exhausting car ride, we reached Durango. Of coarse, the Mapquest map my Mom printed was packed away and out of reach. We called our friends and they helped us get to their house. I was so psyched when we arrived. We had a fun week planned with them. I couldn’t help dreading the thought of the seven-hour return road trip back to the Denver airport, but I was determined to enjoy the week. It was a classic family vacation.


Liz said...

Nice story. I've had the same experiences with my family.


Liz said...

great story! You must have been bored.


Liz said...


Good story. Similar to Marie had the same experience with my family.

When writing mom, it is not capitalized unless you can instert her name.

Also, good use of complex sentences but pay attention to punctuation with the compound sentences.
Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Nice Story ANDREW!!! Good detailed sentences. I have had the same experiences with the twins...ugh :(
Great Job!
