Friday, February 15, 2008


The day of the bad haircut
By: Maddie Goodwill
After school I begged my mom to go get my hair cut that was the worst decision that I had ever made. I walked in the salon knowing what I wanted my hair to look like. I wanted shoulder length so that it wouldn’t be to short. I wanted long layers so that I would have volume. And Of course it had to be cute! I was donating my hair to locks of love so I felt good about that. I had told the hair cutter what I had wanted and either she doesn’t listen or decided what she wanted for me was better. The Way she did to my hair was the exact opposite. The length was at my ears, it was blunt cut so my hair was as straight as a stick and it was hideous! The next day I went to school, I walked in late and the class went silent. All that I heard was whispers and wow what did you do. I asked my friends what they thought and they said I like it, but I could tell they were lying. I never went back to that hair salon again.


Liz said...

that stinks!!!! i would hate it if my hair was like that.

Liz said...

The good news of it all is you did something good for other people. That was very nice of you Maddie!


Liz said...

OMG! that sounds bad. o well ur hair looks great now!!

Liz said...

Haha that was the worst day of my life


Liz said...

In respone to your ? it was 6 inches long

Liz said...

MADDIE I LOVE YOUR STORY! it was soo good!
p.s and funny!haha

Liz said...

nice story. ur hair looks nice right now

Liz said...

I am so sorry!!! I feel so bad for you, I'd hate if that had happened to me. But I bet it didn't look bad, I love the length of your hair now! But at least it helped someone with cancer.


Liz said...

Yeah, that's what they do for lock's of love... You tell tham how much you want them to cut off but thay cut of 5 more inches than waht you said. One time my friend brenna got her hair cut there and the next day... -GabbyL**

Liz said...

i donttt believe you!!

great storryy!!

Liz said...

maddie it is great that u gave ur hair to LICKS OF LOVE! it is good to give young, so that way u know to give when ur old!!!!

~Nicole Fortune~

Liz said...

oh my god!!!
its like the best charity ever!!
im so happy for you!!
LICKS of love makes me hapyy
niiiceee maddiieee


Liz said...


I know you proofread and caught one error but do you see others? Before published try to fix typos.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

OMG OMG!!! this is like exactly like my story i told my mom what i wanted but she told the hair lady something different i was so mad at her but your hair looks great now and i am happy my hair isnt short either anymore i think your and my hair are the perfect length!


Liz said...

I know how it feels.

Liz said...

OOO that stinksss
I got my hair cut super short too
i like your hair alot now tho
