Friday, February 15, 2008

Emily Robinson's bad/good hair cut!

It was about 7 o’clock p.m and I wanted a hair cut. My mom wouldn’t set up an appointment so I decided to do it myself. Oh did I mention I was 7 years old. My hair turned out pretty bad, obviously. My sister walked in and screamed. She grabbed my arm and pulled my down the stairs to show mom, then, she also screamed. I honestly didn’t think it looked THAT bad. The next day we went to the hairdresser place. The lady of course screamed, jeez, I guess my hair really was that bad. She gave me bangs and cut my hair all the way to the bottom of my ears. That was very short. The next day I went to school, and surprisingly everyone liked my hair, I actually could do many things with my hair, I put a headband in it, I put it in mini pigtails, many things, and I looked cute. My horrible haircut, turned out to be one of the best I had ever had. But from that day forward I decided not to cut my hair again. =)


Liz said...

Emily, I like ur story. It is really good.


Liz said...

Ha Ha! It sounds like somthing I would do! Good Job. -Gabby L**

Liz said...

Emily, i loved the story it was hilarious. im suprised that you cut your own hair. now you know not to do that anymore. =)

Liz said...

Emily, I love your story. i cut my sister's hair once =). ~Christie

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

Emily your story is very good. You have a lot of different sentences! ~Samantha~

Liz said...

dont cut your own hair.


Liz said...

LOL! That put a smile on my face! Keep up the great work!

P.S: Don't cut your hair! JKJKJK

Liz said...

Great story! Very funny too.


Liz said...

Wow that sounds like fun but scary. i did that once and my whole family was over and i left my hair on the table and some one scramed WHO'S HAIR IS THIS?!?! oh that was fun. Good job.


Liz said...

I LOVE YOUR STORY!! it made me crack up! thats so funny that you made your own appointment! haha:)
<3 maggie

Liz said...

jeez emily you have tons of comments!
haha i love the story!
im glad ur bad haircut turned out good!

Liz said...

I could have done it 4 u like last time! LOL


Liz said...

hey emily that was really good. nice story it was really funny.

Liz said...

I almost did the same thing in preschool but was too scared to take off more than a bit. Funny.

Liz said...

the last one was mine

Liz said...

hahahah yes...i was crazy when i was 7

thanks for the commentss

Liz said...

I cut my hair once too, but not that much.


Liz said...


I am glad that your story had a positive twist to the end.

When writing start including similes, metaphors. Increase the vocabulary chosen.

The grammar is good just continue thinking about when to use commas.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

haha way to go emily!!
but at least u go to go get the hair cut u wanted to good plan!!


p.s good story

Liz said...

Reminds me of my neigbor-she tried cutting her hair, but it didn't turn out that bad


Liz said...

haha funny story
i like ur hair now 2

~Lucyy =)

Liz said...

u r fattttttttttttt ++++++++++++