Friday, February 15, 2008


The last family trip I went was to go to my cousins house to spend christmas their. When we left I brought my DVD player with me so I wouldn’t get bored. My entire family was in the car besides my dad who was coming later. We had to go pickup my cousin in Milwaukee at his friends’ apartment. While we were driving we hit a snow storm, and it was icy. We were having a family fight as usual between my brothers Andrew and Henry. We stopped at McDonalds because my brothers insisted we get something to eat. I didn’t get anything but my brother got a hash brown. My brothers were yelling at my mom for how slow she was driving. I didn’t really care as long as we got there. We were traveling against a lake so it was kind of scary, because there was only a guard rail. When we got there I was happy and I had a great Christmas.


Liz said...

kenvin thats a great story =)! i thougt is waz hilarious


Liz said...

I am glad you had a good christmas. Great story too. -Gabby**

fina said...


Tanner Federspill (cpt awsome) said...


Tanner Federspill (cpt awsome) said...


From gerkal fletchers

Liz said...

Nice story!!! lots of detail

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

Wow that sounds like fun! Haha


Liz said...

how could you get bored with your cousins!?!?! well good stoy..sounds funny!haha

Liz said...

you never get board you freak! you name is HIETZER ok. nice story i like the structure

Big Guy

Gabe merkkow

Liz said...

Your first name Kevin?????
I thought your name was Heitzer!

Liz said...

Wow steve, nice story kevin


Liz said...

was your DVD player really that important.

Liz said...

that would be scarry

nick bax

Liz said...

Sounds fun! Why do you think your cousins are boring???


Fredo said...

nice sentence structure
cool story too

Liz said...

lol great story Kev! I fight with my siblings in the car all the time too :)


Liz said...


Reread. A lot of errors throughour your writing. You need to take time with your final product.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

omg!!! lol!! i thought this waz so funny i fight with my brother and sister in the car all the time, and my mom and dad tell us to quiet down but we never do we keep annoying them!


Liz said...

I had to go on a road trip too for christmas, except i don't have a brother. In the first sentence their should be spelled there.
