Wednesday, February 20, 2008



The last vacation I went on with my family was to Colorado. Our family stayed at Breckenridge at the Beaver Run resort. I had so much fun skiing. I loved when the warm sun would melt the snow, and then the temperature would get really cold so that the snow would become ice. When I ski down a hill the feeling is like flying. Both my cousin Madison and my second cousin Blair came with. When we were done skiing I loved to go swimming at the pool. The pool was heated really warm, so that you could swim under a flap that would take you to another part of the pool outside. The pool also has hot tubs that are lined outside by the pool. One time I jumped out of the warm pool outside to pick up snow by one of the hot tubs. The snow was freezing so I through it out of my hands. Unlucky for my brother, it landed right on his head! Jonathan became so angry at me that Blair, Ben (my second cousin), and Jonathan himself raced out of the warm pool, into the freezing cold deck. We broke out into a giant, freezing, snowball fight. The funny part was that every time someone through a ball at me or if I stepped on the snow with my bare feet, I had to race straight to the hot tub.


Liz said...

That snowball fight sounded like fun! It reminds me of the time I had a snowball fight in my house with my brothers.


Liz said...

That sounds fun! I've been in a hot tub when it was cold outside before, but I've never had a snowball fight!


Liz said...


It sounds like a fun time.
When writing make sure all the helping verbs are in the correct tense. ex. you has should have been a had.

Also be aware of comma rules.
No all usage is correct.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Thats really funny! Something like that also happened to me, when i wasin colorado! But insted of me being in a pool, or hot tub, i was on the ski hill! My friend Mitchel thought it would be funny to throw a snowball at me while I was skiing, so he did, and it hit me and i rollled half way down the hill! Great job on your story, but you might want to add a coma in this sentence:When I ski down a hill the feeling is like flying.
