Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kiran's Vacation to AZ

Trip to AZ

In November 2008, my family decided to go to Arizona. This time instead of just my family and me, my mom let me bring a friend along. The friend that I chose was Nick. After a week of planning and getting homework, Nick and I left for the airport. My grandparents were the ones to take us and in the morning we went to a buffet. When we arrived at the airport, we both got Mocha Frappachinos. I got a magazine to read on the flight. When we boarded the plane, we were the first ones on and got to rent a Digi- Player for free.
When we arrived at Arizona, we were immediately greeted by my mom. We then left from the airport to the condo. When we arrived at the condo, we unpacked and got situated. We had dinner and went to bed for a sleep in a pump-up mattress. The next morning, we went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. We would go for a bike ride everyday and sometimes went to Walgreens. We also climbed Camelback Mountain and went to a couple swap- meets. At the swap- meets, Nick got a poker set and I got some hats. We also bought cap- guns that we pretended to shoot cars with. Another fun activity of ours was to play Frisbee. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner and lots of fun. Our trip of fun was over after about 1 week and we had to go home. When we got home it was very cold and there was a temperature difference of 60 degrees. The trip to Arizona was very fun and I hope to go back again.


Liz said...

sounds like fun

Liz said...

Very interesting. Since when do you like to go swimming. Anyway, the trip must have been fun.

Liz said...

we need to meet up some time. we have a house in scottsdale. In desert mountian. nice story!

Liz said...


When writing add voice. Put some excitement into your pieces. Work on showing vs. just telling the story.

Mrs. Kayzar