Friday, February 15, 2008


I have had many hair cuts, but the worst one was when I cut my own hair. I was seven years old at the time. As I was brushing my hair I noticed that the brush wouldn’t come out. I thought that if I curled the brush it would come out, but that just made it worse. The hair brush wouldn’t come out. I tried putting water on my hair, but that wasn’t such a good idea. I was panicking a lot. I didn’t want to tell my mom, so I didn’t. I regretted not telling someone. It took 45 minutes to get the brush out of my hair. Seeing a pair of scissors I reached for them and cut my hair. Luckily, my mom didn’t notice. The next day I showed my mom what happened and right away she picked up the phone and called the hair place. After the hair stylist fixed my hair no one could notice the horrible hair cut I gave myself.


Liz said...

I love it! I hope that you learn that you shouln't cut your own hair LAUREN!!


Liz said...

LOL! Once, my friend in CA, cut her own hair, and her sister's too!!! Great Job! Nice length.

Liz said...

Thats funny Lauren! My cousin and I were playing salon once and we decided we needed real scissors. We ruined eachothers hair! My mom was devastated! What about your Mom?


Liz said...

wow nice job lauren!! how did it look?? good job on the paragraph though


Liz said...

I used 2 do that 2 my hair 2


Liz said...

That such a funny story! I did that with my hair once too, but i cut a square out of my bangs, instead.


Liz said...

Good job. I loved your story!! -GabbyL**

Liz said...

Great job. I like how you ended.

~Megan Bizub

Liz said...


Details about what the haircut looked like would have added interest.

Otherwise, good job. Just remember to use commas consistently.
Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Why in the world would you cut your own hair. Just kidding. :) Oh. Now i get it. did the brush get stuck? I would probably have done the same thing. One time when i was waterskiing, i spit out my gum. THen. when i came in, i nocticed a big tangle in my hair. I relized it was gum. The gum had come out of my mouth and had landed in my hair! I had to take a jar of peanut butter in the shower and work it into my hair. My hair smelt like peanuts for like a month!! Anyways, ya. If you put water on, it just makes it worse. Ya, i hate it when i get a huge snarle in my hair. Usally, i have to ask my mom for help. Great job, but really watch your commas. And avoid runons. :)

<3 Laurel <3