Friday, February 15, 2008


My new Haircut

Me and my brother Ed were playing pretend haircut when I was about 5 years old, meaning he was 4. I took the real scissors and pretended to cut his hair. Then it was his turn to pretend to cut my hair. He took the scissors and pieces of hair began to fall on the floor, but I took no notice of it. After about 10 minutes I was tired of him doing my hair and then I looked on the floor. There was Ed playing with the scissors and my hair. Ed was so proud so he went to show my mom a piece of my hair. I ran to show my mom my hair and she screamed. That day she rushed me to the hairdressers and looked in the mirror. One half of my hair was cut partially off and the other half was normal. The hairdresser lady took off even more of my hair, I guess it looked okay. I would never forget the day my brother cut my hair.

~lucy brandenburg


Liz said...

I liked your story! My little brother is really annoying too... (you know that) but he's never cut my hair.

Liz said...

Good story! I would be so mad at my brother if he cut me hair!!!!


Liz said...

Nice story lucy!

Liz said...

LOL! That is funny! Great story.


Liz said...

wow lucy!!!

Ed is weird. gosh i would never forgive soumya if she did that to me!!

Liz said...

wow lucy!!!

Ed is weird. gosh i would never forgive soumya if she did that to me!!

Liz said...

wow lucy!!!

Ed is weird. gosh i would never forgive soumya if she did that to me!!

Liz said...

OMG! That sounds like Ed

Liz said...

haha funnayyy

Liz said...

well that's wat u should expect from ed. ha.

Liz said...

I would throw Ed out the window after I threw his barbies out the window if he ever did that to me- or anyone again!! (JK- DUH)

Liz said...

wow thatss funnyyyy..


Liz said...

very funny

Liz said...


I remember Ed telling me this story. You seemed to have taken the haircut in stride.

Don't forget to use commas consistently when writing.
You also could have added how you felt about the cut or maybe it really did not matter.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...


great story, funny too. sry i have to comment again. anyway, nice job grammar wise. you could've use a simile or metaphor here and there just to add some imagination to your paragraph. great job all the same!


Liz said...

how long did it take to grow back and if somone did that to my hair i would kill them :D

from nic

Liz said...

Do u want to go to a bar and watch me pole dance for u i will take off my clothes in frount of your face