Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nic Ehn

“finally, I get to go to the cottage with my favorite cousin.” Here my mom Mandi and I are almost at the cottage up north. Waiting for us there is grandma and grandpa and as we pulled up the drive way with grandma and grandpa, Joey was waiting outside for us. We gave grandma and grandpa hugs especially grandpa because he just had surgery on his heart up in Florida and were so happy he was ok. We started to unload our things. Me and my cousin went fishing and swimming right away down at the lake, and we had the time of our lives. until my sister came. We were fishing on the boat with only 2 seats. She said she wanted to go on the boat, but we said no we were here first. then we started to paddle to the middle of the lake. Amazingly, Mandi starts chucking rocks at us. since I was six, I chucked them back.
Soon rocks from the shore and from the lake were being chucked, then Joey came and seeing how serious Joey is would try to hit Mandi I was just fooling around till Joey chucked one so hard, and hit her square on the nose ouch! We knew we were in big trouble when Mandi went to my grandma but grandma wouldn’t ever tell our side of the story. Then Joey and I had to sit next to my grandpa in his chair. I hated Mandi and she hated me so she told my grandma and mom if she could go golfing and rub it in my face that I couldn’t go. So as mom Mandi and grandma started to get ready in the car grandpa said “go on” then I said “what” I thought is he serious? I didn’t ask questions.
Then me and Joey ran outside and they were starting to go then we jumped in the truck. They didn’t even know we hopped in and when we landed we were on a bag of cloths because grandma doesn’t have a washing machine and she was going to stop at the laundry mat. I had my twenty dollars in my pocket that I saved up. I knew that after this was done we were going to get in big trouble, but least we would have fun since that was the whole reason we came up here was to just have fun. It was bumpy on the road back here me and Joey just looked up and watched the clouds go by. After a fifteen minute drive we hopped out of the back of the truck. Before they all got out and we said we wanted to golf. They were so amazed how we got back there with them noticing. Then said “fine but you have to pay.” And so I did me and my cousin played alone but we thought it wasn’t as fun because we wanted to play with the whole family. We asked if we could play but grandma said we can play on only one condition if we bought them shakes at dg next to the golf coarse and so I did and I couldn’t have wished for a better summer.


Sterz said...

wathch capitilzation buddy

Liz said...

Love your story Nick
from xxxxxx

Liz said...

I enjoyed your story.

A couple of things to remember.
1. I am happy to proofread and check grammar.
2. look at use of commas
3. use a new paragraph with each new idea.

Overall, pretty good.
Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

you are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veay very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very

find the veay