Wednesday, February 20, 2008

nick bax

Twice as bad

Five years ago my family and my godmothers family went on a trip together. We went to Walt Disney World. When we arrived at our hotel it was already getting dark. Our families decided to go for a swim at one of the many pools. My parents were not done getting ready when my godmothers family was. They said they would take me with them. As we were walking I remembered I forgot my goggles in the room. Terese, my godmother said she would wait right there for me. I ran back, got my goggles and ran back to where she said she would be. She was not there. The hotel was so big I had no idea where I was and did not see her anywhere. I began to panic so I turned around and tried to find my way back to my hotel room where my mom and dad were. I did not remember our room number and they all looked exactly the same just as I thought I was about to cry my mom opened the door and saw me standing there.
The next day we went into the parks and had a great day. At night we all decided to go to MGM Studios for Mickey’s Spectacular Light Show. We all got in line, went to our seats and realized that we still had a hours wait until the show would begin. Terese offered to take all of the kids on a ride while the other parents kept our seats. We thought that was a great idea. We were all walking to Tower of Terror when all of a sudden I did not see her anywhere. I looked all around and she was gone. I did not know what to do and all I could think of was now I am lost in an even bigger place. I walked around for a little while and I found the entrance to the Light Show. I walked in and thankfully found my parents.
For the rest of the trip my parents would not let me go anywhere with out them and after being lost twice I did not want too!


Liz said...

BEAST! That was amazing

Liz said...

That's a funny story, nelson.


Liz said...

Did you go on the tower of terror after you got lost.

Liz said...


Liz said...

Sounds like your Aunt wasn't being very responsible at the time. Good story, excellent writing.

(AN hour's wait)

Liz said...


The story itself was fine but watch the use of pronouns. By using a lot of pronouns it is easy for the reader to get confused.

Mrs. Kayzar