Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Excitedly I walked through the door, showing off my new haircut. After my cousin Ajay complemented my hair, he showed me his new toy, Silly Putty. We tossed it to each other, back and forth. Then Ajay accidentally threw the Silly Putty into my hair. It looked funny, so we spread it all over my bangs (I was only 3 years old). My hair became all blue and gooey. After we started getting bore of playing with the Silly Putty, we tried to pull it out of my hair. Then, Ajay found a pair of scissors and I decided that I would have to cut some of my hair to get rid of the Silly Putty. Divya saw me and Ajay cut my hair and then rushed to go and tell my mom. If only I knew that this little mess would only turn into a bigger one. My mom and grandma screamed loudly, while Ajay and I giggled. I received and big lecture from my parents on how I should never cut my hair without informing them. My mom took me to the salon (again) and I got my hair re-cut. I learnt my lesson; Silly Putty was a stupid toy.


Liz said...

Wow that was really funny! That happened to me, but instead of my hair, the silly putty got stuck on my grandparents new condo's white cealing! Great job!

Liz said...

Wow that was really funny! That happened to me, but instead of my hair, the silly putty got stuck on my grandparents new condo's white cealing! Great job!

(srry i forgot to write my name)

Liz said...
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Topgun (Andrew Wartman) said...

Wow I have had so many experiences with silly putty AND cutting hair...

3 times my silly putty has caused me trouble because,

1) I left it in our car without it exposed to the sunlight on the carpet
2) I left it in my bed and it got stuck in my hair.
3) I left it in my pocket in Florida.

Cutting hair-

I tried cutting my sisters hair once. My mom was mad.

Liz said...


I am glad to see that you were able to post your work. Hopefully, you are feeling better.

Overall, good story.
Remember after an adverb start for a sentence, you should use a comma.

There are other comma / punctuation errors throughout. Take a look and see what you can find.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

thats funny.
silly puddy rox!!
great story!


Liz said...

Your Story was really funny soumya. I like how in the end you said you learned Silly Putty was a stupid toy instead of saying something boring like i learned never to let my cousin cut my hair, or not to put silly putty in my hair.


Liz said...

Wow soumya that sounds really funny i would have been laughing with you i'v done that once but i just cut my hair and my family saw it and all of a sudden someone screamed "who's hair is on the table?" great of my not to think to through it away. nice job though


Liz said...

LOL!! That's a really good story! I've gotten a green toy frog stuck to the ceiling of my kitchen, and the mark is still there! I know how you feel!

Liz said...

Come have sex w/ me. I am gay r u? I will be extra dirty just for you.