Friday, February 15, 2008


Before I was born, my uncle died of leukemia. I never met him but I knew he was a good guy. My aunt Patty was left alone with my two cousins, Andy and Joel. Twelve years later my aunt met a guy named Rick. He was very nice and made my Aunt Patty happy. After about a year, they got married and my mom’s whole side of the family was there. The wedding was small but fun. After the wedding we went over to my Uncle Rick’s house and ate dinner and played games outside. Later he even started a bonfire. My parents were tired and wanted to go back to the hotel but, my sister and I wanted to stay. My Aunt Joan decided she would take us back. After a few more hours everyone had left except my sister, Aunt Joan, my cousin Joel who had to go back to his apartment and me. My cousin Joel has autism so he can’t drive. My Aunt was now living with Rick and Joel didn’t have a ride home. We decided that we could take him home. We all piled into a tiny little car and Joel started explaining his sci-fi books. It was very confusing. It was pitch black and my Aunt wasn’t really the best at driving at night. We didn’t know where we were but we kept driving on the same road. It was starting to get scary so Joel started to tell us jokes. Since he had autism his jokes didn’t make any sense but they were still funny. We talked about Futurama, Sponge Bob and much more. We read road signs and finally got on the right road. We past a farm and all of a sudden random horses crossed the streets. Joel started singing, “Home on the Range”. The whole car burst out laughing. By the time we reached Joel’s apartment all of our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. If Joel wouldn’t of come with us the car ride would have been boring and quiet.


Liz said...

That sounds like fun!!! your cusin sounds really nice!!


Liz said...

Great job! It's so sad. Joel sounds like a nice guy. That must've been some car ride!
Awesome job!!!!!

Liz said...

OMG! That is so sad! But Joel sounds really nice! Good Job! I love your story!


Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

that was a kool story kinda long i like it alot and u

Liz said...

I am sorry about ur uncle i know how u feel my grandma has cancer for the 3rd time


Liz said...

ur cousin sounds very nice.
sounds like u had fun!!

Liz said...

ur story was really good. ur cousin seems nice.

Gabby said...

In the middle of the story, I thought somthing really bad was gonna happen! Ok, well, great story.- GabbyL**

Liz said...

thats soundsss funn!!


Marissa and Megan said...

your story was really funny! it would be hilarious to hear your cousin Joel sing HOme on the Range!


Liz said...


Good story.
When writing look at your use of commas. You tend to forget them in complex sentences.

Also, some paragraphs would have made this story easier to read.

Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

joel sounds nice i am glad you were happy on your trip in the car

my name is ??????????

Liz said...

I want to meet your cousin!!He soundaa soo funnyy!!!hahah i bet he will make me laughhh!!!Im sorrie about your unclee!!!
good storiee by the wayy, i never got your commentt.
k biee
izzyy ilyy!