Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Trip By: Grant

Day by day, city by city, state by state we drove. We drove for 5 days. There also was no place to go to the bathroom. This was the worst feeling ever. As we stopped at Mount Rushmore, I saw the huge piece of stone. It was a sight to see. Then we went back on the road. Two days later we arrived at are initial destination, the Grand Tetons. I was amazed as the big massive rock towered over me. We stayed at Wyoming for a couple more days and then took the long ride home. This was a wonderful and an exciting journey and sometime, try it!


Liz said...

Good story

Liz said...

Nice Story. It would stink to be stuck in a car for 5 days. :(

~Laurel :)

Liz said...

That sounds fun looking at rocks


Liz said...

nice beginning

Liz said...

cool story that would stink HAHAHA


Liz said...

Must've been cool to go too Mount Rushmore

Sterz said...

Best Story I Have Ever Read!!!

Liz said...


Well written but actual details about the final destination would have improved the piece.

Add your voice and excitement to the writing.
Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...


Well written but actual details about the final destination would have improved the piece.

Add your voice and excitement to the writing.
Mrs. Kayzar

Liz said...

Grant that was a funny story about a huge massive rock but y did u drive for 5 days there and 5 days back to stay there for 7 days. Wow grant your such a nerdy dorky pig. But how big was the rock i want to know and calling it a rock makes it sound smaller than it really is you should call it the mountain of doom and despair it would make it sound better and kooler like ice cream on a hot summer day. But all in all i liked the story i thought it was just grand idea and i'm sure u had a fantabulus time on your trip to mnt rushmore for 17 days ten of which u were driving in a car that must have been tarrible with lucy she can get pretty loud and i mean it.

Liz said...
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Liz said...

Good Job!! Loved the story!! I totally wish it was summer!!

Liz said...